So this adjustment to the new transfer has been crazier than
when I left the MTC! Monday night
consisted of a lot of packing and cleaning to try and get everything ready for
the transfer meeting Tuesday afternoon.
We had dinner with the Olsen's in our ward and it was a blast to be able
to see them before I left. When our
district leader drove home Monday night with his companion they slid on some
ice and went right over a curb and popped their right front tire. They had to park their car and since they
were only down the street from our place, they stayed the night. It was kind of nice to have them there our
last night! Well, Tuesday came around
and we got everything together and loaded up into the Zone Leaders truck to
head to the transfer meeting.
Just hanging around! |
meeting was quick and short, only 5 new missionaries this transfer. I met my new companion and we get along
pretty well. I transferred my stuff into
our new car and we headed out to get groceries, move things in, and get settled
before dinner. On the way to the Members
home where were live while serving in this area, my companion informed me that
we would be moving out of their place soon because they had a son and
daughter-in-law who were moving back in and we would end up sharing a bathroom
(which is against the rules). We were
going to find out Wednesday where we were going to be moving to so I didn't
bother unpacking. Well Wednesday came
around and I found out where we were moving to... My old apartment! It was only place available close by that was
quick to move into. So we packed all our
stuff back up and moved back into the apartment I've been in for the last 6
months. Who knows, maybe I will stay in
that apartment for half my mission! It's
a nice place though, especially compared to other missionary apartments, so I'm
fine with living there again.
Entrance to the Cheyenne Mountain Nuclear Bunker |
So after unnecessarily packing and unpacking everything back
to their original spaces, I finally got to settle down! My companion snores like a bear! So I'm going to need to invest in some earplugs. The Cheyenne Mountain YSA ward is so
cool! I love the members and they are
really great about missionary work. Most
of them are returned missionaries so they're always willing to help us teach! And it may not be a good thing, but our
dinners here usually consist of members taking us to fast food because it's
cheap and easy. So I have been eating
Chick-fil-a, Chipotle, Pizza, Chipotle, and we're going out again tonight! My love for fast food is going to be a
problem here! My first Sunday here we
got someone to commit to a baptismal date!
It's on the 31st and I'm excited to start off my new area in the right
direction! This district is already
changing since one of the Elders is going home for medical reasons so one of
the missionaries who came into the MTC with me is going to be his
replacement. I'm kind of stoked to serve
around him since I already know him!
Well this week has been crazy! We had to email Tuesday this week since
Monday was a holiday and the libraries were closed. I'm just glad to hear from all of you and
hope you're all doing well! Let me know
if I can do anything for you! I love you
all so much! Have an awesome week and I
will talk to you soon!
Inside the bunker |
5 things that made me smile:
1. Moving back into my old apartment!
2. My new companion has a ukulele too! So we are always
playing in the evenings when we get home!
3. The YSA members are cool and always having activities,
this week they had a cardboard box demolition derby where they made cars and
rammed into each other until their cars fell apart.
4. Church is at 11:00 here which is the perfect time! The only weird thing is we have Sacrament
meeting 3rd hour which actually makes the whole day go a lot faster since I'm
not falling asleep in Elders Quorum anymore!
5. I did the Incline this week and it was iced over and so
cold that I slipped while jogging up it and had to cut my run short. It was
painful but nothing major happened.
Everyone fell down that went with me.
God is Great!
Elder Gillingwater
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