It's seems like every week is so crazy! We're always busy doing something, but we're always having a lot of fun. It's been great to have members in our ward who are so willing to help us out. They offer to go with us to lessons, help fellowship members when they come to church, and feed us a lot! We have rescheduled one of our investigator's baptismal date for the 20th of this month so we can make sure that she gets to church enough times, and has adequately learned what she can from the lessons we've been teaching her. Our newest investigator has become a really good friend of ours and told us on Sunday that he got his answer, he knew our church was true and want's to get baptized. Hopefully in a few months we will be able to do just that. We're still working with our other investigator, but he hasn't made any progress in the last 3 weeks. But he's really close! I've been out for almost 2 months and it seems to be flying by pretty fast. There hasn't ever been a dull moment, and I'm really enjoying the people here.

Today we went to Pikes Peak! We didn't hike it because it's at least an 8 hour hike and we just don't have the time. So we drove up the race course to the top. The road is crazy steep and really windy!

14,110 feet is really high and it is super cold and windy. They check your brakes on the way down (about half way down the mountain) and if they're too hot they make you park and wait for 30 min or you might wreck your car.
We had to stop and wait so we got to see this really cool reservoir.
5 things that made me smile this week:
1. We went to one of the YSA activities and bumped into Genysie Van Duren who went to the YSA ward in Chico.
3. We had Zone Conference this last week and I got to visit with a ton of missionaries in the Colorado Springs Zone, and the Fountain Zone.
5. We're getting the youth in the Ward excited about missionary work. They love to help us out and constantly invite their friends to church activities.
Have a great week.
God is Great!
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