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Elder Gillingwater, Elder Haskell, and Sister Moss |
Transfers were crazy! I got to see so many missionaries that I love which
was great, but so many that I've served with are headed home so it's sad to see
them leave. So here's some information
on my new companion Elder Parker in case I haven't shared anything about him yet.
He's from Louisiana
which is really unique (I've yet to have a companion from Utah). He's been a member for almost 3 years and he's
really funny. He loves to work hard but
loves to play hard too. He's a great guy
to work with and we get along really well.
So my old area, the Academy Ward, has switched back to
Elders serving there. They're now a
biking area again which has created a dilemma. They now live outside of their area because
I'm living in the most convenient apartment for them. So my companion and I are going to be moving
soon. We will be moving to a recently
vacant missionary apartment near the church building that we meet at. It's a pretty gross apartment, the sisters
that lived in it before left it a disaster, but we'll fix it up really nice. Plus we get to live above the other YSA elders
which is going to be a lot of fun! That
will happen later this week. So I guess
I will have to say goodbye to my apartment. But this new adventure should be really
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Elder Mogle and Elder Gillingwater |
So the Young Single Adult wards in Colorado Springs have this rule that they
don't want missionaries working with Less-Active members. If someone is YSA age and does not attend
church regularly, they send their records back to the family ward and advise us
to only work with people on our ward roster. With our current lack of investigators, we're
left with pretty much only teaching active members in our ward. Also, I keep getting sick and we do not get
out as much as I would like. At times,
it feels like it can be unproductive, or that we could be doing something more
productive, but it's really great to work with the members in the ward. It helps develop trust with them and we're hoping
we can get some member referrals out of it. When we teach a lesson to an active member, we
always leave them with the commitment to invite a less-active member, or a
non-member to our next appointment. So
far, that hasn't happened yet, but there are a few prospects that will
hopefully be keeping us busy soon.
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Elder Gillingwater and Elder Guerrette |
It's finally warmed up here, which I've really appreciated. Hopefully it stays that way. I'm glad I get to serve around such wonderful members
who are so strong in the Gospel. Their
testimonies help strengthen mine every day. I'm grateful for all of your support and prayers.
I know that if we continue to do the
Lord's work, we will be blessed with the Spirit of Conversion. “The good ground are they, which in an honest
and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with
patience” (Luke 8:15) We have the seed of the gospel word. It is up to each of us to set the priorities
and to do the things that make our soil good and our harvest plentiful. We must seek to be firmly rooted and converted
to the gospel of Jesus Christ. - Elder Dallin H. Oaks
I know I can be converted to the Gospel everyday and I serve
the Lord to the best of my abilities. I
love this work, and strive to do better everyday so I can fulfill His eternal
purpose. I love you all so much and will
talk to you all soon! Have a great week!
5 Things That Made Me Smile:
1. I started working out again! That's always a good thing!
2. Elder Reimer's trainee is really funny. He's got a great testimony and drive to work
3. Elder Parker has some great object lessons for when we
teach. So far they've worked really
4. One of the members took us out to eat for dinner since
they had signed up on our calendar, and another member paid for all of our food.
So now they're taking us out again this
5. One of our recent converts gave us chocolate bunnies, for
a reason I do not know. They're massive and now I have a giant Hershey bar, and
a giant bunny.
God is Great!
Elder Gillingwater
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