Hello from the Colorado, Colorado Springs Mission

Sunday, April 12, 2015

A Roller Coaster Week and it was Awesome - Week #36

My District at Lunch

This week was a roller coaster and it was awesome.  Some really amazing things happened.  My companion got to go to the Temple this week for being out on his mission for a whole year.  Since he was gone all day, I got to go on exchanges; which I am definitely not a fan of.  My companion for the day was supposed to be my previous companion, Elder Low, but due to some changes they made, I also had my trainer Elder Haskell as my companion.  I got to be in a tri-companionship with them which was awesome!  I couldn't have asked for a better situation.  Not only did we work hard, but we had a great time doing it.  Definitely my favorite exchange I've gone on so far.  It was great to spend the day with some old friends.  My companion Elder Guerrette had a great time at the temple and I was glad to have him back at the end of the day.

There was a miracle story in our District this week.  The sister missionaries had set up an appointment with a member in their ward and asked them to bring someone to the lesson.  He brought a friend and as they taught him, he was really touched by the Spirit.  He really enjoyed the message of the restoration and has accepted a baptismal date.  It's so exciting to see how missionary work really progresses when members and missionaries are working together.  We also had a great weekend preparing for conference.  We watched all the sessions on Saturday without a problem.  On Sunday, we were invited to watch conference at an investigators home which we were really excited about.  This way we could make sure to answer questions if they had any.  Well the first session kept freezing and we maybe caught 25% of it, but the second session was great.  It was a really great experience and I hope they really felt the Spirit when they heard the messages shared.

We also had a great dinner Sunday night.  We had lamb and it was really good.  We made "Resurrection Rolls" where you cover a marshmallow in melted butter and cinnamon sugar, then encase it in bread dough.  Just as Christ was sealed in a tomb, when you opened the roll when it was finished cooking, the marshmallow was gone.  It had been "resurrected".  It was a fun activity.

So here's the sad news.  My companion is getting transferred.  We got the call on Saturday night.  I'm really bummed since we got along so well.  I'm really going to miss him.  That also means that I'm staying in my area again; which is great because I love serving in the YSA ward.  It also means that I get to continue living in my apartment for another 6 weeks.  That will bring the grand total to 10.5 months in one apartment.  I'm pretty sure that's a record.  Elder Guerrette is going to be in New Mexico (as far away as possible).  My new companion is Elder Parker, and I've heard he's pretty cool.  I've met him a few times, but now I will get to know him better.  I'll let you know how it goes.  I had such a wonderful Easter.  I loved the package mom sent, but it doesn't replace family.  I'm glad I will be able to Skype next month for Mothers Day.

I love our Savior, His atonement, His resurrection, and our Prophet and leaders.  It's such a blessing to hear from them and to know of their love, especially when we may feel alone at times.  I love you all so much!  I'd send more pictures but my camera just died while uploading them.  So you'll have to settle for the one picture I was able to get.  I'll send more soon.  Have a great week!  Happy late birthday Jarett!  I will talk to all of you soon.

God is Great!

Elder Gillingwater

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